"There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for an inside of a person."
~ Winston Churchill
Helping Horses is an initiative of the Sibley Equine Conservancy. It was founded in 2010 by Brenda and Brad Myers and is located on part of their farm dedicated as a place for senior horses to live out their lives in a pasture with wooded trails.
Brenda facilitated non-riding pony play dates, and family farm day events over the years. In 2018 she met co-founder Monica Anderson, a certified professional coach and facilitator, at a Crow Wing Energized event.
Monica was looking for a place to offer executive coaching and leadership team building events incorporating horses, so they started their collaboration and hosted several team building events and coaching sessions before and during the pandemic.
There they saw first hand the power and potential for personal growth, skill building and increased resilience when people and horses are connected in a nature setting. Now they are expanding their team and events continuing to build on the success of the foundational work, and seeking funding through grants and donations possible under newly achieved 501c3 non-profit status.
Please join Helping Horses on their mission to help horses help people and your donation will assists in providing funding for programming, horse feed, farrier, supplements, dental and medical care for the ponies and horses. You can also become a member of the Sibley Equine Conservancy with a one-time or sustaining donation.
Co-Founder, Executive Director
Operations, Equine Specialist
and facilitator, Grants
Co-Founder, Executive Coach,
Equine Practitioner
Program Director
Phone: Brenda 218-820-6885
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Sibley Equine Conservancy
501 c3 (EIN 45-2214226)